Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 5-Dog Park

The Vet called and Nanook is fine!  Such a relief.  Nanook had another big bowl of food for dinner as well.  The wet dog food is really perking up his appetite.  If he continues to eat and drink regularly for the next few days then he'll be ready to have his dental work done.

The big excitement of the day was a trip to the dog park.  Nanook was awesome.  He didn't get to go off leash, but he didn't seem to mind too much.  There was a bit of pulling on the leash, but who can blame the big guy...the dog park is exciting!!  We met lots of other dogs: big, small, timid, over-exuberant and Nanook greeted them all very politely.  Mom says maybe after a few more trips he'll be able to go off leash, but she wants to make sure that Nanook isn't going to run away.  Not that he can get out of the park, but with so much open space he could make it nearly impossible to be caught.  I'm going to suggest that she bring some treats.  I love treats!

Nanook is also doing a lot better on the stairs.  He could go up and down them, but would rather not.  Today he went up and down the stairs without any encouragement.  I think this is the reason he wanted to go outside a lot more today.  Or maybe it's because it was warm(er) and sunny.  Either way Mom was happy Nanook is continuing to settle into a home environment more every day.


  1. I am so happy to hear about the adventures of Rupert and Nanook. Sounds like Nanook is in the right hands. Thank you to Rupert and Rupert's mom for taking Nanook in. AARCS can't operate with out people ( and dogs) like you. Let me know if you need any bedding, dishes, treats, toys etc-- Ali ( and keep up the excellent work... i will be following the blog and loving it!!

  2. This is such an awesome blog. It totally made me cry!!

    I just wanted to say though, I've had a lot of experience with malamutes and I wouldn't let him off leash. They are born to run. And it once took me two hours to catch one in a fenced in area, and he was trained and everything. I never ever made that mistake again. It might be traumatizing for Nanook to be chased around again too.

    Anyways, from those pictures at the dump to now is so incredible and I'm so happy he has a good home now!

  3. I am so glad that Nanook has a great foster home and is doing well.
    I agree with Mandy. I have had malamutes for over 20 years and have fostered a large number and letting him off leash is not a good idea. If you want to give him more freedom at the dog park, try a long line that will allow this, but also not let him get too far.

    The malamute rescue site has a number of brochures on malamutes which may help.

    Thanks for working with this boy.
