Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 4

Every day Lola settles in a bit more and is not as aggressive when I have a toy.  Yesterday it was OK if I chewed on my Kong on one end of the couch while Lola was on the other end.  Mom is the mediator.   Today I can play with almost any toy as long as it's not a hedgehog.  Which, of course, is my favorite toy.  Lola has adopted one of the hedgehogs as her 'baby' and gets quite distraught when I have one too.  Mom is working with Lola to help her understand that it's OK if I have a toy, to calm down and focus on something else.  So far it seems to be working pretty well.

As you can see, Lola and I get along great when I don't have a toy.  Sunday afternoon naps are great...even if I don't have a toy in my mouth.  We even have a fun game that we've started to play.  It's call "who can snore the loudest".  Mom says it's a tie.

Lola is catching on to the house training really quickly and Mom thinks maybe she just needed to figure out where she was supposed to go.  This morning she went over to the door when she had to go outside.  She didn't know how to tell Mom she actually wanted to go out the door, but Mom is keeping a close eye on her and opened the door before she peed on the mat.  Later Lola went to the door and started scratching at it.  Not the ideal trigger, but it's better than nothing!  It's not helping that it's very cold and Lola hates the cold.  The treats are helping though.  Lola knows how to sit and Mom is working on 'come' and 'off'.

I think this training is great because when Lola gets a treat, I get a treat.  I do the command also so it seems only fair.  As you can see, we're very good at sit!

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