Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 39 Goodbye Beebee and Rascal

Today Beebee and Rascal went back to their owner.  AARCS has an emergency/temporary foster care program for people who find themselves in unforeseen circumstances where they can't take care of their pets.  That was the case with Beebee and Rascal's owner.  Thankfully they were able to go back to their owner and they sure were happy to see her.

This is the last picture Mom took of the three of us.  This was just after a trip outside and before a big wrestling match.  Beebee and Rascal were lots of fun to have around...for me at least.

We haven't been without a foster dog for the past three months.  The house is going to be quiet with just me.  Mom says she's sure that a new friend will come to stay soon.  I hope so because there are lots of dogs and cats out there that need a safe place to stay.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for taking good care of those 2 mischivous pups when their mom needed help. very admiral!
