Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 3 King Lear Settles In

It's been a busy couple of days.  There's been a whole lot of playing going on.  I don't think I've ever played this much!

King Lear finally wore himself out Saturday night.  Mom says the most uncomfortably place she could think of to sleep would be on the slate in front of the fireplace and that's exactly where King Lear decided to sleep.  Notice the comfy dog bed right beside him?  Eventually he moved over onto that.

Sunday was a day filled with lots of running, wrestling, chasing one another, stealing toys and barking.  King Lear, not me.  I don't bark (except at the mailman). Mom and I are teaching KL that barking isn't going to get him what he wants.  He is very smart and is catching on pretty quickly.  At one point we got a little out of control and King Lear fell down the stairs.  He got a cut on his face, but Mom took him to the Vet and he is fine.  The Vet thought it was a good idea for him to wear a cone for a few days so he doesn't scratch at his face.

Today we were both pretty quiet, but started to get wound up by mid-afternoon.  Mom decided we needed some fresh air so we went for a car ride and a walk.  As you can see King Lear was exhausted.  I ran way more than he did and I managed to stay awake during the ride home.  Jeesh...puppies. 

Mom would like to note that the car is in Park, for those that notice those kinds of things (you know who you are!)

When we got home it was dinner time.  King Lear sure does love to eat.  I've never seen a dog eat so fast.  Mom went into the pantry a few minutes after we'd eaten but King Lear decided that he needed more food and jumped right into the food bag.  Mom wonders how much he would eat if he was allowed to stay in that bag. 

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