Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 36 Bath Day

Mom has decided that she's going to start kenneling Beebee and Rascal when she's out to help with their house training.  There haven't been any accidents in the house for a couple of weeks when Mom is home, but they don't seem to want to or are unable to hold it when she is out.  Mom puts down paper in the dog room and they are very good at going to the bathroom on that, but they should be able to hold it the whole day while Mom is at work. 

Friday was the first day.  Beebee was in my kennel and Rascal was in the bathroom since we only have one kennel that Mom feels is big enough for a dog to spend the day in.  Mom was quite impressed that both made it the whole work day with no accidents.  Mom thinks that Rascal might be fine out with me all day, but still isn't comfortable risking it.  She got another kennel from AARCS so that Rascal won't be in the bathroom.  There's lots of room, but neither Beebee nor Rascal like it when they are in a room and the door closes.  They seem fine when they go into their kennel at night, so Mom's hoping the same holds true if they're both in kennels.

Mom had to work today (yeah, on a Saturday.  None of us were very happy about it), but thankfully it hasn't started to snow yet so we got to go to the dog park after work.  Beebee didn't bark at a single dog.  The first dogs we saw were two big dogs (Mom thinks mastiffs of some kind) and Rascal ran up to greet them.   It's great to see how quickly they've gotten over their issues at the dog park.

The park is very wet and muddy these days.  I don't like going through the mud puddles unless it is much warmer, but even I decided that there were just too many so I'd just run through them all.  Beebee loves the puddles and Rascal is only slightly more reserved.

We all looked about like this by the end.  Kind of hard to see from this size, but if you click on the picture you can see how dirty Beebee really is.  As soon as we got home it was straight into the tub for each of us.  I love having a bath!  Beebee and Rascal do as well so a good time was had by all.  Now the house smells like wet dog.  I think that's fine, but Mom thinks it stinks. 

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