Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 9 Ahh...Summer Days

Since Willie did so well at the off leash park Mom decided it was safe for him to be off leash at the park near our house.  Willie didn't stray at all.  He would either walk beside Mom or chase after me.

Here he's trying to decide which of those two things he should do.  It's hard to see me in the small pic, but if you click on it you can see me up ahead on the right checking out the long grass.

Willie decided he should check out what I was doing.  He still likes to go back to Mom and make sure she's OK.

Mom also decided to take some pictures along the way.  We saw lots of ladybugs, which Mom found unusual as she doesn't recalling seeing ladybugs in Calgary before.  Maybe she just hasn't been looking.  Anyway, even though we went for a walk in the morning it was getting pretty hot so I liked all the rest stops we got along the way.  Willie even waiting patiently until it was time to move along.

We went for a long walk yesterday too and I was a bit pooped today.  Like the trooper I am, I made it the whole way.  I'm not going to be shown up by a puppy!  I even managed to stay awake longer than Willie when we got home.  He was asleep as soon as we got in the house.  We both had a long nap, played in the yard and now it's almost nap time again.  Mom says we have to rest up because tomorrow we're going to LTs house.  And if that wasn't exciting enough, my best buddy Gord is going to be there!

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