Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 14 Mite Free!!

Yesterday Willie went to the Vet and he was mite free!  He'll go back again in two weeks to be checked again and if he's still mite free then he'll be considered cured of mange.  He's already getting fur back in some of his bald spots and his coat is getting thicker overall. 

Willie was weighed at the Vet and he's gained another 4 pounds.  Weird how Willie's Vet thinks this is a good thing, but my Vet thinks it's a bad thing that I haven't lost any weight.  I'm trying to convince Mom we need to switch Vets, but she said that's not how it works. 

Willie, as most puppies are, is full of piss and vinegar when he wakes up.  He wants to go to the washroom, eat and play!  Not necessarily in that order.  Willie is getting big enough that if he puts his mind to it, he can jump on the bed.  This is 'my space' and as a general rule Willie is not allowed on the bed but today I was OK with a good wrestling match so Mom let him stay.

As you can see, there's a whole lotta crazy that went on.

I also forgot to mention during my last post about how it went at LTs with my best buddy Gord (and my new buddy Duncan).  Willie and I spent about 6 hours in the back yard and the lane supervising the construction of a portable car shelter.  It was super hot and we were exhausted by the end.  Don't think we're hard done by; there was shade, cool grass for us to lay on, toys and lots of water...but not where we could supervise.  What is important to note is that neither of us were confined by any means and Willie did an awesome job of not wandering away. 

Today is another hot day but Willie still won't go into the pool.  However he has decided that the hose is great way to get cooled off.  Even if it's just his head.

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