Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 4/15/23/59 Kitten Update

Mom has been spending a lot of time going into the spare bedroom.  I still don't understand what newborn kittens are, but Mom says they're not old enough for me to visit them yet.  Val snuck into the room when Mom was letting Fiona in and he got to see the kittens.  He said he didn't like them and hissed at them and faster than a speeding bullet he got removed from the room.  Fiona didn't seem to mind him in the room at all, but Mom says he won't be going back any time soon.

The first couple of days Fiona didn't really want to stay in the room with the kittens and asked to be let out quite frequently.  Fiona has settled into her role as Mom is spending most of her time in the room with the kittens. She comes out a few times a day now to check out what's going on around the house and to have something to eat.  Mom says there is food and water and a litter box in the spare room but I guess the food outside is better.  I'm not allowed to eat it so I can't really say. Sierra's not allowed to eat it either, but she doesn't listen as well as I do and she says it's pretty good.

Here is a pic of the kittens yesterday.  Mom says they don't do much other than eat and sleep.  She says every once in awhile they'll 'fight' over a good spot and push one another out of the way.  Already they seem to have their own personality traits.

Fiona being a very attentive Mom.  Mom cleaned out the kennel today and put in a fresh towel.  This means she got to pick up the kittens.  Fiona seemed OK with this as Mom only moved them about a foot but she did get the stink eye a few times after that.

The kittens today.

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