Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 1/9/28 Welcome Alley

Last night Mom when out with Sierra and Gio and come home with a new foster kitten named Alley. 

All they could talk about today was a photo shoot they went to last night with Holly at BrindleBerry Photography  As you can see Alley is a beautiful kitten.  Lots of fluffy grey calico fur with some darker grey stripes.

Alley has settled in very quickly.  She is far more laid back that Gio and is putting him in his place when he tries to play to rough ie. he's practicing his ninja skills.  This morning Mom set her up downstairs but with access to me and Sierra if she felt like visiting with us.  It was no time and she was upstairs for a visit. 

Gio is still trying to type and tried this technique today.  He got in trouble for being on the table but I bet he tries again tomorrow!

Sierra has been been very good with both kittens.  Sometimes she feels the need to break up the play, but Mom has been stopping her before she tries to goes up to either of them.  Sierra seems to be OK with the fact that someone is stopping the craziness and settles back down.

Mom says this is it for the fosters...she thinks.  Ike is coming to stay with us in a few weeks so our house is getting full.  Stay tuned as I'm sure there'll be lots of stories with so many fosters in the house.

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